Boosting Immunity

Hello all,  

My goodness, what a week!

Never before has there been such a focus on immunity than now...... rightly so. 

I thought during this time it would be a good idea to share some easy tips to boost your immune system.  This does not mean that you will never catch anything..... it's about being less susceptible and more resilient, and better equipt to recover faster and possibly only present with a mild case of infections. 

Here are some tips:

General Hygiene Tips:
- Wash your hands regularly: soap and warm water will do the job - minimum 30 sec. 
- Cough/sneeze into your elbow
- Don't touch your face: infections get in through mucosal passages (eyes, nose, mouth)
- Gargle regularly and brush your teeth twice daily
- Wipe your keyboards, phones, door nobs, steering wheel etc etc
- If you are prone to being congested (like me!) - go old school: fill up the basin/bowl with warm-hot water and cover your face with a towel and inhale the steam.  You could add any of the following:  lavender and eucalyptus essential oil, vics-rub or any natural balsam (they will melt in the hot water).  Also heading into a steamy shower will help alleviate congestion and thin mucous. 

- Limit refined sugars and unhealthy foods: this reduces immune function and white blood cell function. 
- No coffee and alcohol.
- Eat fresh.  Nothing beats fresh fruit and veg for phytonutrient content.  Eat a variety of colours to ensure you get the whole range of anti-oxidants.  This includes Vit C, A, E and resveratrol.  
- Specific foods for immunity: garlic, onions, reishi mushroom, berries such as blueberries, acai, spinach, ginger, bone broths, cabbage, capsicums, grapefruits, oranges and lemons, apples, herbs such as thyme, oregano and tumeric. 
- Drink herbal teas regularly - viruses generally don't survive higher temps, so this may be a good way to neutralise them in the throat.  Great ones incl ginger, lemongrass, peppermint, chamomile, lavender, rosemary.  
- Drink plenty of water.  Minimum 2L/day. 
- Soups, Soups, Soups.  Add loads of veg and a good quality protein.  What a fantastic way to get all your vital nutrients in an easy to digest (as in absorbable, and requires little energy) manner.  Batch cook and freeze for the times you are actually unwell. 

- Exercise: this is important prior to an acute infection.  Remember over exercising is not good for the immune system. During the times of an acute illness, the best thing to do is rest. 
- Sleep.  Go to bed early.  Restful sleep is important for repair and recuperation. 
- Stress reduction and don't run on empty.  If you are super busy e.g. work, social commitments - make sure you prioritise some down time if you can.  Don't run yourself to the ground.

Supplements and Herbal Medicines:

- Vit C and antioxidant formulas, Selenium, Vit D, Zinc:  these can be extremely beneficial in reducing the severity and durations of colds and upper respiratory infections. Please ensure you dose appropriately and speak to you healthcare practitioner prior to taking any supplements. 
- Herbal Medicine and tinctures: there are some beneficial herbs that have been shown to boost immunity such as Astragalus (preventative only), Mushroom extract and Echinacea.  Your naturopath will create this specially for you and base the formulation based on your individual needs.  Including the dosage.

Please note: for acute infections, dosages of tinctures, teas & supplements change.  Please speak to your practitioner about this. The above guide is for prevention only. 

If you have any questions about any of the above, please feel free to email me or DM me.

P.S Naturopathic Consults can be done via skype/Zoom and herbs and supplements are sent directly to you.

Bianca xx