What are your Health & Wellness Basics?

Over the past few years, I see more and more people becoming confused & overwhelmed when it comes to making the right decisions for their health, especially when it comes to diet. There is so much info out there now (most amazing, some not so much) & I see clients feeling like they need to a) subscribe to a particular popular in-trend ‘diet’, b) if they don’t, then they will never be ‘healthy’, and c) becoming understandably confused!   

We know that what works for one, won’t always for another - and it all comes down to the individual, their genetics, environment, lifestyle, sleep, stress, work, exercise, personality etc etc…..shall I go on?

It’s not rocket science, nor am I reinventing the wheel, but I can tell you that when it comes down to it, the more we keep things SIMPLE, the better the chance for success in getting the results you are looking for – you feel better, are more energized, have an increased calmness of the mind, and are more present in everyday life, happier and fulfilled.  

The journey towards optimal health and wellness is simple………AND individual.  Here are my basics:

-         KEEP IT SIMPLE.  It’s more sustainable to make simple changes – they often have the biggest + best results.

-         KEEP IT INDIVIDUAL – don’t look around at what others are doing.  What feels right for you?  DO WHAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU and follow your intuition, it will always lead you on the right path.

-         DON'T DO TOO MUCH TOO SOON – A patient approach will take you where you want to go.  Don’t be a victim to the shortcut mentality. Make a list of the top 3 things you want to work on or change, and start there.

-         GO BACK TO BASICS WITH FOOD.  Scrap the ‘diet’ and start to create healthy habits.  Eat real food, keep it fresh and make meal times enjoyable!  More on this in an upcoming blog & Nutritional Reboot program!

-         WORK ON IMPROVING YOUR RESPONSE TO STRESS.  It’s so easy to tell someone to ‘stress-less’, but how we do that is different for all of us.  There will always be something that plays on our minds from time to time, or that challenges us, so it’s important to take the steps we need to help calm, refocus, and re-energise. 

-         EXERCISE DAILY – move your body every day.  No, you don’t need to run a marathon daily!  A gentle walk and stretching counts! Exercise helps boost immunity, essential for osteoporosis prevention, protective against type II Diabetes, hormonal balance, weight control, relaxation, constipation, lymphatic drainage, and helps to reduce anxiety and depression...just to name a few.

-         GET OUTDOORS & CONNECT WITH NATURE. Research has shown that connecting with nature helps reduce depression and anxiety, and improve psychological well-being.  It also gets you moving and not to mention getting your dose of Vitamin D.

-         UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR THOUGHTS & EMOTIONS IMPACT YOUR HEALTH– practicing mindfulness daily is a great way to increase your awareness of your thoughts, feelings and attitude towards things and people.  By choosing to adjust your thoughts + emotional responses, you create a more positive outlook, increase playfulness, love, gratitude and feeling connected to others.  This directly impacts your health and well-being, including improving recovery times from illness.

-         MAKE YOUR QUALITY OF SLEEP A PRIORITY– Sleep is absolutely essential for optimal health – for optimal immune function, cognitive function including memory and alertness, repair, rejuvenation and to help keep our hormones in check.   Start by assessing what’s stopping you from having a good nights sleep.  Get to the cause and start there.

-         SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE & CONNECT DAILY.   Take a look at those around you, do they light you up? Are they bringing you down? It is so important to surround yourself with supportive, wonderful people.  Let go of toxic friendships and start to attract the right people into your life.

-         MAKE TIME FOR LAUGHTER DAILY. Yes, laughter is the best medicine - it helps to decrease stress hormones, boost immunity, and triggers the release of our feel-good hormones. Enough said!

-         INVEST IN YOUR HEALTH & GET PROFESSIONAL ADVICE – whether it be coaching, counselling, nutritional therapy, naturopathy, an amazing massage therapist or Reiki.  Let people help get you on the right track. You won’t regret it.